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Our Theme 


A Praying Congregation 

"That Believes in the Power of Prayer"

Sunday In-Person and Zoom
Worship Service
Rev.Dr. Winston Worrell Pastor

  Verse of the Day

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:

but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Proverbs 13:20 KJV

The Sixteenth  Sunday of Pentecost


Please continue to give your weekly or monthly tithes, offerings and special givings:
either by USPS mail, drop off at the church office, send by your bank's bill-pay. Blessings

Pay Pal is out of service at this time.
Please use your bank pay or send a check to
Northwoods UMC
2635 Fairlane Drive
Doraville, GA. 30360 

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